What is your story about A. Le Coq?
This is an opportunity to give new life to your memories and make them heard, contributing to the enrichment and preservation of the heritage of Estonian drinking culture. We promise to keep the most special objects and stories in the museum’s archives, and to make them available for reading on this website.

What do we collect?
We welcome any stories, memories or items related to the historic beverage producer A. Le Coq, as well as the history of beer brewing in general, to the museum’s collections.
Send us your memories of working in the brewery or selling its products, a fun event or an entertaining get-together with friends where the drinks made by A. Le Coq played a role.
It doesn’t matter what period of time the story or memory comes from. History is made every day, so the stories can come from years ago or from a memorable gathering you only had yesterday.
The value of stories is always increased by photos that can be added to the memories.
- Memories, items and photos from the pre-war Republic of Estonia, such as bottles and crates, or photos depicting the production activities, workers, advertisements or products of A. Le Coq.
- Memories of the war period: how the brewery worked, what the working culture was like, what the products were like, etc.
- Soviet-era marketing materials, such as advertising t-shirts, glasses, mugs.
- Memories of earning extra money with the products of A. Le Coq as a student.
- A. Le Coq in London and the labels and products with the A. Le Coq logo produced there. We’re interested in the stories, articles and findings that originate from the period when A. Le Coq’s head office was still operating in England.
- The footprint of A. Le Coq in the Russian Empire as well as in Soviet Russia. For example, the packaging of products exported there, as well as stories and memories of A. Le Coq’s glory days in Russia.
- Stories and memories of ice cutting on the Emajõgi river: in the old days, it was a tradition to go ice cutting on the Emajõgi in winter. We look forward to stories, memories, pictures and recordings of ice cutting in winter on the Emajõgi river.
If you need help writing your story, here’s where to find some helpful questions.
Send your memories by e-mail to muuseum@alecoq.ee or by post to A. Le Coq Beer World, Laulupeo pst 15, Tartu.
- Name (if you don’t want to write your name, please write your gender)
- Date and place of birth
- Place of residence
- E-mail address or telephone number
We’ve put together a list of helpful questions if you feel you need help writing your story. You don’t have to answer all the questions, they’re there to help you remember.
- Which event are you recalling?
- When did the event occur?
- What is your role or the role of your loved one in this memory?
- How old was the person at the time of the event?
- Describe the general mood at the time. Was it a joyful or sad event? Did something tragic happen?
- Was there anything else special happening in Estonia at the same time?
- Why did you decide to write about this particular event?
- What role did A. Le Coq play in this memory?